Christmas and Magical Moments.....

I can hardly believe that Christmas has come and gone again. I was thinking about how it’s now been nearly two years since the pandemic started. Time moves so quickly. As I saw how fast time moves and how caught up, we get with social media, blogs, projects and our phones, tablets, laptops, gaming systems, I took a break to just be present. To live in and experience each moment.

Because of that decision, I have not been on social media or online as much. I have daily limits set. It’s by far one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s been great for my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health in multiple ways. I had to work a little harder to be excited for an 80-degree Christmas, ha-ha. But my imaginative inner child always comes through the winner. I’m forever thankful for that.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, focusing on all the things you have to be thankful for, even in the struggles, even in the darkness, even in pain. I hope and pray you will also be able to do that for this brand-new year! I pray 2022 will bring us all more love than pain, more comfort t than loss, more peace than stress and outstanding success. Focus on the good, on the beauty, and you will find it.

Be honest, Be real, Be you!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Bobbie De Leon
