Ghost Train

I wanted to update.... How much I appreciate this person! This story had already been submitted before the horrific stuff started to unfold in the Middle East. So the timing could not have been more horrible and I understood if no one wanted to read it because it was triggering. It was meant to be a story of healing and hope just really bad timing. But I wanted to share her review because it meant so much to me.

*Review of Ghost Train*

AnneMarie Miles
12:48 Oct 17, 2023

This was a heartwarming story. Very sad but also hopeful. Cadence was wise and valiant beyond his years. And if his father could find peace after this death (which I imagine must have been riddled with guilt since his father was the one that guys were trying to kill), then Cadence's friends should be able to find peace too. I really like these lines: "It’s a cold you can’t get warm from. It’s a cold that has nothing to do with temperature." Thanks for sharing and welcome to Reedsy!

If you would like the read the story, the link is posted below.
