Happy Fall & Living in the moment

I have grown to love fall so much! I have always, of course, been obsessed with Christmas and excited for it. I still am. But there is a magic to fall and pumpkins and maple leaves that I feel I missed out on growing up. So, I am now fully embracing it. I decorate my house for fall Sept 1st and change everything to Christmas Nov 1st. It gives me extra time to celebrate both of my favorite times of year, fall and Christmas. Yes, Christmas is a time of year “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” as said by Edward Pola and George Wyle in one of my most favorite Christmas songs.

But for now, back to fall…Fall is loaded with fun, pumpkin patches, pumpkin carving, hayrides, apple cider, pumpkin pie, mildly scary movies (for me at least ha-ha) Thanksgiving, which I still consider fall even though I decorate for Christmas way before Thanksgiving. It’s just so much fuel for my imagination and just good for the soul. It has been such a hard couple of years, finding ways to just have fun is not only a great thing to do, but also vitally necessary right now.

I am learning day by day the importance of living in each moment, each day, and letting God handle the rest. The importance of working through things, not over thinking, cherishing the people and things you love and yourself. I’m learning to let go of what adds nothing to my peace and joy. Learning to love all people, especially the ones most different from me. We all have so much to bring to this world, but we cannot do that all bogged down with everything that’s wrong all the time. Get in there, work your butt off to make a difference and then go read, go for a walk-in nature, breathe deep, meditate, go to a pumpkin patch and live your life in the now. It changes everything. Don’t let years go by before you realize you missed out on the most important parts of your life, the people you love in it and the memories you make with them.

Happy Fall!!!

Be honest, Be real, Be you

Bobbie De Leon

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