The story of me...

What a path I’ve been on... I started writing a book about my health journey in 2015. It is now 2022 and I’m just now finishing it.

Why did it take me 7 years? It took me 7 years for a few reasons...

First off, and on health issues and setbacks which I must navigate through no matter what I’m doing.

Second, a major move, which is exhausting when you don’t have any health issues.

Third, it was impossibly hard to relive all that trauma and walk back through the pain to get the story on the page.

So, I made it easier to navigate. I created a character and wrote a fiction memoir based on my life with Lyme.

It was a deeply painful, emotional, impactful, and hopeful journey. I came to love her, this character I created. I came to love her because she had to walk the same road I did, because she led me out of a desperate place.

I hope you will love her too.

I hope that as you read her story... my story, you will find pieces of your own. That you see your pain, your tears, your desperation, and your way back to the light.

I hope you will see hope and a happy life despite the pain. I hope you will see you are not alone and that you matter and that anything really is possible.

I’m excited to share pieces of this story as I can. I truly hope it impacts your life in the way it has impacted mine.

Be honest, Be real, Be you

Bobbie De Leon
